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Morphing Cote

Platform: PC

Software used: Unity

Duration: 1 week

Role: Game Designer

Team Size: 5

Team Members :  

Designer - Leroy

Programmer - Wee Meng

Artist - Rachael

Artist - Jauzan


Morphing Cote is a game that is used to advertise a drink, in this case, it was Cote light. Morphing Cote is a 2D platformer game that allows players to play as a consumer exploring the effects of Cote light.

Morphing Cote brings player primarily to a warehouse where the drinks are being manufractured. Player are to use the drinks they find in the map to get pass the obstacles and challenges they will face in the game.

The drinks found in the game are classified into two caterorgy; an unhealthy drink and Cote light itself. Both drinks will have different effects on the player.

Demo link:

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