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S.N.A.B Attack

Platform: PC

Software used: Unity

Duration: 2 weeks

Role: Game Designer

Team Size: 2

Team Members :  

Programmer - Sherman 


S.N.A.B Attack is a competitive multiplayer 3D arcade game where player faces off against each other in a city arena. In the arena, it will be filled with NPC that will look almost identical to either player. Players are to spot the difference and take down the opponent to win.


One player would play as the guardsman trying to prevent the bomb from going off by killing the bomber. The other player would play as the bomber where his goal is to set off the bomb with the guardsman nearby to kill his guardsman.

Download link(need two xbox controller) :



A smal areana for players to battle it out.

This is the arena where the player will fight against one another. The arena is filled with similar buildings meant to limit players ability to find each other and end the game too quickly.


The arena is also filled with large number of NPC that players can use as camouflage to hide.


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